- Role-based documentation guides (four for MHP and four for DMC/DMC-ODS)
- Transformation webinars for county plan leadership
- On-demand webinars on CalAIM and payment reform, including CPT coding, IGTs, and fiscal modeling/best practices
- Weekly office hours
- Monthly To-Dos
- Communications materials for people in care and for staff
- Documentation Trainings
- CalAIM Coding
- Impact Modeling
- Rate Setting: Supplemental Materials (password protected)
- Role-based documentation guides (four for MHP and four for DMC/DMC-ODS)
- Transformation webinars for county plan leadership
- On-demand webinars on CalAIM and payment reform, including CPT coding, IGTs, and fiscal modeling/best practices
- Weekly office hours
- Monthly To-Dos
- Communications materials for people in care and for staff
- Documentation Trainings
- CalAIM Coding
- Impact Modeling
- Rate Setting: Supplemental Materials (password protected)
- Role-based documentation guides (four for MHP and four for DMC/DMC-ODS)
- Transformation webinars for county plan leadership
- On-demand webinars on CalAIM and payment reform, including CPT coding, IGTs, and fiscal modeling/best practices
- Weekly office hours
- Monthly To-Dos
- Communications materials for people in care and for staff
- Documentation Trainings
- CalAIM Coding
- Impact Modeling
- Rate Setting: Supplemental Materials (password protected)
Policies and Procedures
CalMHSA curates, analyzes, and summarizes key policy actions and program
requirements that county behavioral health departments need to be aware of and
comply with.
P&P Attestation for BHINs 21-071, 21-073 & 21-075
P&P Attestation for BHIN 22-011 No Wrong Door
P&P Attestation for County Behavioral Health Intergovernmental Transfers (IGT) (BHIN 23-026)
Policies and Procedures
SUPERSEDED: Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS) Requirements for the Period of 2022 – 2026 (BHIN 21-075)
No Wrong Door for Mental Health Services Policy (BHIN 22-011)
Drug MediCal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS) Requirements for
the Period of 2022 – 2026 (BHIN 23-001)
County Behavioral Health Intergovernmental Transfers (IGT) (BHIN 23-026)