- Role-based documentation guides (four for MHP and four for DMC/DMC-ODS)
- Transformation webinars for county plan leadership
- On-demand webinars on CalAIM and payment reform, including CPT coding, IGTs, and fiscal modeling/best practices
- Weekly office hours
- Monthly To-Dos
- Communications materials for people in care and for staff
- Documentation Trainings
- CalAIM Coding
- Impact Modeling
- Rate Setting: Supplemental Materials (password protected)
- Role-based documentation guides (four for MHP and four for DMC/DMC-ODS)
- Transformation webinars for county plan leadership
- On-demand webinars on CalAIM and payment reform, including CPT coding, IGTs, and fiscal modeling/best practices
- Weekly office hours
- Monthly To-Dos
- Communications materials for people in care and for staff
- Documentation Trainings
- CalAIM Coding
- Impact Modeling
- Rate Setting: Supplemental Materials (password protected)
- Role-based documentation guides (four for MHP and four for DMC/DMC-ODS)
- Transformation webinars for county plan leadership
- On-demand webinars on CalAIM and payment reform, including CPT coding, IGTs, and fiscal modeling/best practices
- Weekly office hours
- Monthly To-Dos
- Communications materials for people in care and for staff
- Documentation Trainings
- CalAIM Coding
- Impact Modeling
- Rate Setting: Supplemental Materials (password protected)
Newsletter Article
June 27, 2023
Managed Care Updates Include New P&P, Revised Trainings
Key Staff: Courtney Vallejo, LMFT, Director of Managed Care Operations
By July 1, counties will be able to access on the CalMHSA website a policy and procedure (P&P) for Department of Health Care Services Behavioral Health Information Notice 23-001. Additionally, CalMHSA has posted revisions to the CPT Coding for Direct Service Provider trainings in its Learning Management System (LMS). Staff who have previously taken the trainings prior to these revisions do not need to do so again.
New Policy and Procedure
Counties are not required to use the new P&P and are free to edit or use it in any way they see fit; it does not have a corresponding attestation. It will be posted on the Policies and Procedures web page.
Revised LMS Trainings
In change logs posted under the links to these trainings, CalMHSA has outlined the revisions that were made. Counties are encouraged to check the change logs regularly so that corrections/clarifications can be communicated to staff and contract providers as necessary.
Questions about the new P&P and revised LMS trainings can be directed to calaim@calmhsa.org.