EHR Multi-County Innovation (INN) Project

We are pleased to update you on the status of the EHR Multi-County Innovation (INN) Project that CalMHSA is launching to support our collective work implementing a Semi-Statewide Enterprise Health Record (EHR). For this project, CalMHSA will act as the lead entity, writing, submitting, and presenting the INN Project Plan to the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC). Counties eligible to participate in this collaborative must have executed Participation Agreements with CalMHSA to join the Semi-Statewide EHR. As with other multi-county collaborative INN projects, each participating County will complete a county-specific narrative (“appendix” to the main plan) describing local needs and responses, the community planning process, and a budget for local implementation of the project.

CalMHSA will be hosting two open Office Hours for Counties to ask questions and offer suggestions during this process. Links to the upcoming Zoom Meetings are listed below:

EHR INN Appendix and Budget -Office Hour Session #1

August 18, 2022, 10 AM PST

Zoom link:

Meeting Code: 890 4727 5876

Passcode: 404604


EHR INN Appendix and Budget -Office Hour Session #2

August 25, 2022, 10 AM PST

Zoom link:

Meeting Code: 863 9571 8808

Passcode: 763530

Link to PowerPoint: Here