- Role-based documentation guides (four for MHP and four for DMC/DMC-ODS)
- Transformation webinars for county plan leadership
- On-demand webinars on CalAIM and payment reform, including CPT coding, IGTs, and fiscal modeling/best practices
- Weekly office hours
- Monthly To-Dos
- Communications materials for people in care and for staff
- Documentation Trainings
- CalAIM Coding
- Impact Modeling
- Rate Setting: Supplemental Materials (password protected)
- Role-based documentation guides (four for MHP and four for DMC/DMC-ODS)
- Transformation webinars for county plan leadership
- On-demand webinars on CalAIM and payment reform, including CPT coding, IGTs, and fiscal modeling/best practices
- Weekly office hours
- Monthly To-Dos
- Communications materials for people in care and for staff
- Documentation Trainings
- CalAIM Coding
- Impact Modeling
- Rate Setting: Supplemental Materials (password protected)
- Role-based documentation guides (four for MHP and four for DMC/DMC-ODS)
- Transformation webinars for county plan leadership
- On-demand webinars on CalAIM and payment reform, including CPT coding, IGTs, and fiscal modeling/best practices
- Weekly office hours
- Monthly To-Dos
- Communications materials for people in care and for staff
- Documentation Trainings
- CalAIM Coding
- Impact Modeling
- Rate Setting: Supplemental Materials (password protected)
The California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) is a Joint Powers of Authority (JPA) formed in 2009 to create a separate public entity to provide administrative and fiscal services in support of the members’ Mental/Behavioral Health Departments acting alone or in collaboration with other departments, which may include operation of programs to:
- Administer prevention and early intervention services under the Mental Health Services Act
- Contract and/or negotiate with the State or other providers of mental hospital beds similar or related services
- Contract and/or negotiate with the state or federal government for administration of mental health services, programs, or activities including but not limited to the Drug Medi-Cal Treatment Program, managed mental health care, delivery of specialty mental health services
- Operate program risk pools
- Provide any other similar or related fiscal or administrative services that would be of value to members, such as group purchasing, contract management, research and development, data management, maintenance of a research depository, training, technical assistance, capacity building, education and training
- Research, develop, and execute any appropriate policy requests from the California State Association of Counties or its affiliates
CalMHSA is governed by a board of directors comprised of the local county or city mental/behavioral health director to form each member (appointed by member governing body), with a designated alternate to participate when the director is absent. There are currently 57 members (55 counties, 1 JPA, 1 city).
The JPA has three committees — the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Advisory Committee (currently inactive) — and is subject to the regulations of the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) (Title2, Division 6, California Code of Regulations) and the Ralph M. Brown Act.